Friday, October 10, 2014

Euro 2014 - part 3 - Modest Beer

The raffle 
Beer time
Chris presentation.  First of three

Chris famly 

You pay only for the tasting glass and the 1E for each pour. There are tables around the sides to sit and drink 

Katherine and Filip. Friends from 2007 who C and I saw last year

The band guys that are friends of Chris who have been to FQ fest 

With Jean Louie

I gave Filip the DFH beer 

The bar around the corner from the hotel was our late nite stop. Very late !

The only German Lambic brewer. He is friends with Sabestain who C and I meet in 2007 and saw last year 

Heading to the hotel for the last night 

Piere who owns a beer shop in Brussels. Ed and I stayed at his b&b in 2001. 

The Gran Place

The bar where C and I had a beer in 1976
Last Belgian meal. Mussels and...
Waffles. First time for both in Belgium 

Heading to Istanbul 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Euro 2014 - Part 2

Pol on the Choufe bottle washer

Visiting with Tina, Pol and Chris

Chris cooking.  I have the recipe 

Back yard at Chris

Battle of the Bulge memorial 

German WWII cemetery. 6 men to a marker

Downtown Achouffe

Chouffe tasting
Chocolate maker 

Lunch in Antwerp 

I had the loser of the last race. Horse 

Washed it down with Guezue

Dinner with the famly for Christine birthday

The cathedral